RE Wineries since 2008
It offers a concept of wines of unique character, based on REcreating, REinventing and REvealing ancestral wines from the biblical stories to the wines produced in the past centuries by the family, in noble and beautiful clay jars. It is in this way, then, that the wines of ancestors are REborn and their artisans RElive; REcreating imagined wines, REinventing dreamed wines and REvealing a beauty that can only exist in RE wines.
REnacen Beauty wines.

Bodegas RE, preserves the family's maulinas jars and partially produces its wines in them,
to demonstrate that excellent wines can be made with ancestral procedures and current knowledge.
Our RE Wines
They are unique conceptual wines, which involve REcreating the ancestral Genesis, through the use of artisanal processes of vinification in clay amphorae, with current techniques and knowledge.
Vino conceptual que recrea el Génesis ancestral, con técnicas artesanales en ánforas de arcilla, mezclando armónicamente el Cabernet Sauvignon y Carignan.

Vino rojo cereza y rubí, aroma a guindas, rosas salvajes, frutos del bosque, castañas, avellanas tostadas, especiado con vainilla.

RE Cabergnan
Este vino tinto ofrece un color rojo intenso y aromas de frutos del bosque y especias, con un sabor fresco y joven que puede envejecer entre 7 y 10 años.

Vino conceptual que recrea el génesis ancestral con procesos artesanales en ánforas de arcilla y tinajas de gran tamaño.

vino único que combina Garnacha y Cariñena, cultivadas en el Valle del Maule, de viñas viejas con 70 años.

RE Family

We are a small family winery, formed in 2008, after a long winemaking career, by Pablo Morandé Lavín and his children; Piedad and Pablo, with whom he shares the passion and dedication of this great project.
Since its foundation, our commitment to environmental sustainability has been unwavering. In everything we do, we respect the land, its workers and the environment to give origin to our wines.

RE Wine Tourism
In our tours you will be able to REdiscover the ancient vines that we have planted in the garden of ancestral varieties, you will know the rooms of artisanal production of liqueurs and balsamics, you will be surprised in the subway cellar next to our beautiful jars and barrels, and you will finish REjoicing with our innovative wines.